Now lets see a scenario to go through the links and how the cucumber deals with that scenario.
Before write the scenario lets look at the scree shots and what could be the scenario.
1 Step:- I am on the “List of products” page and I can see
Titled = Ruby on Rails
Description = Model View Architecture
Image url = ror.jpg
Price = 22
2 Step:- Now I click on “New Product” link.
3 Step:- Now click on “Back” link again. Then I am again on “List of Products”.
4 Step:- Now click on “Show” link and then I can see
5 Step: like wise we can navigate through the links
Now lets see how this scenario can be written. Before that look at these step definitions. You can find them in webrat_steps.rb file.
When /^I press "([^\"]*)"$/ do |button|
This can be used for when we click on button
When /^I follow "([^\"]*)"$/ do |link|
When /^I follow "([^\"]*)" within "([^\"]*)"$/ do |link, parent|
click_link_within(parent, link)
These two can be used when we navigate through the links.
Now lets see the scenario.
Scenario: Go Through Links
Given I have products titled Ruby on Rails, description Model View Architecture, Image url ror.jpg, Price 22
When I go to the list of Products
Then I should see "Ruby on Rails"
And I should see "Model View Architecture"
And I should see "ror.jpg"
And I should see "22"
When I follow "New Product"
And I follow "Back"
And I am on the list of Products
Then I should see "Ruby on Rails"
And I should see "Model View Architecture"
And I should see "ror.jpg"
And I should see "22"
When I follow "Show"
Then I should see "Ruby on Rails"
And I should see "Model View Architecture"
And I should see "ror.jpg"
And I should see "22"
When I follow "Back"
And I am on the list of Products
Then I should see "Ruby on Rails"
And I should see "Model View Architecture"
And I should see "ror.jpg"
And I should see "22"
When I follow "Edit"
And I follow "Back"
And I am on the list of Products
Then I should see "Java"
And I should see "Platform Independent"
And I should see "java.jpg"
And I should see "20"
save this scenario as go_through_links.feature and run the cucumber features/go_through_links.feature
Then you can see the following screen shot.
Why this scenario failed. Look at these steps.
When I follow "Edit"
And I follow "Back"
And I am on the list of Products
Then I should see "Java"
And I should see "Platform Independent"
And I should see "java.jpg"
And I should see "20"
These steps are wrong. They should be as follows.
When I follow "Edit"
And I follow "Back"
And I am on the list of Products
Then I should see "Ruby on Rails"
And I should see "Model View Architecture"
And I should see "ror.jpg"
And I should see "22"
Edit the feature file and run again cucumber features/go_through_links.feature. Now you can get the all the steps are passed massage.
This is how the cucumber work with the navigation scenario.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Software Test Tools
What Are Software Test Tools?
Software test tools help development teams investigate software bugs, verify functionality, and ensure both the reliability and security of the software they develop. Tools are available for all stages of a software development project. Some software testing tool vendors offer an integrated suite that will support testing and development throughout the life of a project, from gathering requirements to supporting the live system. Other vendors concentrate on a single part of the application development life cycle.
Software Test Tools Business Drivers and Benefits
1) Increase the quality of software applications.
2) Software performance measurement.
3) Improving process management lifecycle of the product.
4) Perform a risk analysis and benchmarking.
5) Gain consistency in testing procedures with automated testing tools (as opposed to manual testing, which may be incompatible).
6) Improving the time to put on the market following the effective detection of functional performance, and security issues.
7) Save money on software development and maintenance costs
Software Test Tools Risks
1. Automated testing can produce quantities of raw data cumbersome. Test for choosing one form tool you can easily manipulate the data that is capable of change and should work together.
2. It undermines the efficiency of fault injection is not important. Fault injection tool specific code paths above weaknesses, particularly, the path that are victims of security attacks can not show through the check.
3. There are two drawbacks you enough for choosing the wrong software tools have not only wasted time and resources, but also an obstacle that you can get your teams made solutions difficult.
Software test tools help development teams investigate software bugs, verify functionality, and ensure both the reliability and security of the software they develop. Tools are available for all stages of a software development project. Some software testing tool vendors offer an integrated suite that will support testing and development throughout the life of a project, from gathering requirements to supporting the live system. Other vendors concentrate on a single part of the application development life cycle.
Software Test Tools Business Drivers and Benefits
1) Increase the quality of software applications.
2) Software performance measurement.
3) Improving process management lifecycle of the product.
4) Perform a risk analysis and benchmarking.
5) Gain consistency in testing procedures with automated testing tools (as opposed to manual testing, which may be incompatible).
6) Improving the time to put on the market following the effective detection of functional performance, and security issues.
7) Save money on software development and maintenance costs
Software Test Tools Risks
1. Automated testing can produce quantities of raw data cumbersome. Test for choosing one form tool you can easily manipulate the data that is capable of change and should work together.
2. It undermines the efficiency of fault injection is not important. Fault injection tool specific code paths above weaknesses, particularly, the path that are victims of security attacks can not show through the check.
3. There are two drawbacks you enough for choosing the wrong software tools have not only wasted time and resources, but also an obstacle that you can get your teams made solutions difficult.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Test Automation
Test automation is the use of software for monitoring the performance tests, comparing actual results with expected results, the functions of setting up test conditions and control tests and other testing Reference [1]. Generally, test automation involves automating a manual process already in place that uses a formalized testing process.
Following two pictures are describing the test automation steps.
Following two pictures are describing the test automation steps.
Cucumber and Ruby on Rails (Part 6) My learning materials
OK now I think you all have good knowledge about my pasts posts. I f you have any question you can ask me any time by mailing me. Now lets move to our todays lesson.
What can we do further with our project. Hmmmmm... We can validate user inputs . Lets see how can the validations can be done using cucumber.
What can we validate. We can validate “user inputs are OK such as is price is a numerical value or not and all the fields are not empty etc..”
Before doing the cucumber part lets see the what is happening in GUI part.
Go to the product/app/models/ folder and open product.rb file. Afetr that copy and paste following codes to it as follows.
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :title, :description, :image_url
validates_numericality_of :price
Now lets see the GUI.
1)First go to the product folder in the terminal and then run the server “ruby script/server”
2) Then gotothe browser and type “http://localhost:3000/products” . Then you can see following GUI
3)click on New product link and you can see this page.
4)Now check what is happening when click on create button without filling any field. You can see following error massages.
5)Now you can see what is happening when there is one field is filling and click create button. Check them with your self.
6)Now lets see how the cucumber can use for this.
7)Go to the feature folder and create a new file called validate_product_details.feature and copy and paste following scenario.
Scenario: Validate Product Details
Given I have no products
And I am on the list of Products
When I follow "New Product"
And I fill in "Title" with ""
And I fill in "Description" with ""
And I fill in "Image Url" with ""
And I fill in "Price" with ""
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Title can't be blank"
And I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
And I should see "Price is not a number"
9)Now run the cucumber features/validate_product_details.feature then you can see following.
10)It says all steps are passed. In this scenario we can check alll the validation by writing steps like follows
Scenario: Validate Product Details
Given I have no products
And I am on the list of Products
When I follow "New Product"
And I fill in "Title" with ""
And I fill in "Description" with ""
And I fill in "Image Url" with ""
And I fill in "Price" with ""
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Title can't be blank"
And I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
And I should see "Price is not a number"
When I fill in "Title" with "C#"
And I fill in "Description" with ""
And I fill in "Image Url" with ""
And I fill in "Price" with ""
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
And I should see "Price is not a number"
When I fill in "Title" with "C#"
And I fill in "Description" with ""
And I fill in "Image Url" with ""
And I fill in "Price" with "23"
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
When I fill in "Title" with "C#" .......
like wise we can write so many steps.
11)But you can see that is not much effective because write all the validation like this is not good. What can we do for it. Think a little bit....
12)If you can remember the last post why we can't use that. Then the above scenario can be written as follows.
Scenario: Validate Product Details
Given I have no products
And I am on the list of Products
When I follow "New Product"
When I fill in the following:
| Title | |
| Description | |
| Image Url | |
| Price | |
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Title can't be blank"
And I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
And I should see "Price is not a number"
13)Now run the cucumber features/validate_product_details.feature
14)What a simple way to write validation file. Now lets expand this as follows and try to understand to what is happening there.
Scenario: Validate Product Details
Given I have no products
And I am on the list of Products
When I follow "New Product"
When I fill in the following:
| Title | |
| Description | |
| Image Url | |
| Price | |
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Title can't be blank"
And I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
And I should see "Price is not a number"
When I fill in the following:
| Title | |
| Description | |
| Image Url | |
| Price | 20 |
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Title can't be blank"
And I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
When I fill in the following:
| Title | |
| Description | |
| Image Url | a.jpg |
| Price | |
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Title can't be blank"
And I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Price is not a number"
When I fill in the following:
| Title | |
| Description | My name is JTK |
| Image Url | |
| Price | |
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Title can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
And I should see "Price is not a number"
When I fill in the following:
| Title | JTK |
| Description | |
| Image Url | |
| Price | |
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
And I should see "Price is not a number"
15)Now run the cucumber features/validate_product_details.feature now try to write your own validation files for your projects.
What can we do further with our project. Hmmmmm... We can validate user inputs . Lets see how can the validations can be done using cucumber.
What can we validate. We can validate “user inputs are OK such as is price is a numerical value or not and all the fields are not empty etc..”
Before doing the cucumber part lets see the what is happening in GUI part.
Go to the product/app/models/ folder and open product.rb file. Afetr that copy and paste following codes to it as follows.
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :title, :description, :image_url
validates_numericality_of :price
Now lets see the GUI.
1)First go to the product folder in the terminal and then run the server “ruby script/server”
2) Then gotothe browser and type “http://localhost:3000/products” . Then you can see following GUI
3)click on New product link and you can see this page.
4)Now check what is happening when click on create button without filling any field. You can see following error massages.
5)Now you can see what is happening when there is one field is filling and click create button. Check them with your self.
6)Now lets see how the cucumber can use for this.
7)Go to the feature folder and create a new file called validate_product_details.feature and copy and paste following scenario.
Scenario: Validate Product Details
Given I have no products
And I am on the list of Products
When I follow "New Product"
And I fill in "Title" with ""
And I fill in "Description" with ""
And I fill in "Image Url" with ""
And I fill in "Price" with ""
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Title can't be blank"
And I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
And I should see "Price is not a number"
9)Now run the cucumber features/validate_product_details.feature then you can see following.
10)It says all steps are passed. In this scenario we can check alll the validation by writing steps like follows
Scenario: Validate Product Details
Given I have no products
And I am on the list of Products
When I follow "New Product"
And I fill in "Title" with ""
And I fill in "Description" with ""
And I fill in "Image Url" with ""
And I fill in "Price" with ""
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Title can't be blank"
And I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
And I should see "Price is not a number"
When I fill in "Title" with "C#"
And I fill in "Description" with ""
And I fill in "Image Url" with ""
And I fill in "Price" with ""
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
And I should see "Price is not a number"
When I fill in "Title" with "C#"
And I fill in "Description" with ""
And I fill in "Image Url" with ""
And I fill in "Price" with "23"
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
When I fill in "Title" with "C#" .......
like wise we can write so many steps.
11)But you can see that is not much effective because write all the validation like this is not good. What can we do for it. Think a little bit....
12)If you can remember the last post why we can't use that. Then the above scenario can be written as follows.
Scenario: Validate Product Details
Given I have no products
And I am on the list of Products
When I follow "New Product"
When I fill in the following:
| Title | |
| Description | |
| Image Url | |
| Price | |
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Title can't be blank"
And I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
And I should see "Price is not a number"
13)Now run the cucumber features/validate_product_details.feature
14)What a simple way to write validation file. Now lets expand this as follows and try to understand to what is happening there.
Scenario: Validate Product Details
Given I have no products
And I am on the list of Products
When I follow "New Product"
When I fill in the following:
| Title | |
| Description | |
| Image Url | |
| Price | |
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Title can't be blank"
And I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
And I should see "Price is not a number"
When I fill in the following:
| Title | |
| Description | |
| Image Url | |
| Price | 20 |
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Title can't be blank"
And I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
When I fill in the following:
| Title | |
| Description | |
| Image Url | a.jpg |
| Price | |
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Title can't be blank"
And I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Price is not a number"
When I fill in the following:
| Title | |
| Description | My name is JTK |
| Image Url | |
| Price | |
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Title can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
And I should see "Price is not a number"
When I fill in the following:
| Title | JTK |
| Description | |
| Image Url | |
| Price | |
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Description can't be blank"
And I should see "Image url can't be blank"
And I should see "Price is not a number"
15)Now run the cucumber features/validate_product_details.feature now try to write your own validation files for your projects.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Cucumber and Ruby on Rails (Part 5) My learning materials
OK now I think you have a good idea of my past posts. Pardon me because my new post is late. As I said earlier there is a simple way of the last scenario. First we look at that scenario.
Scenario: Create Valid Product
Given I have no products
And I am on the list of Products
When I follow "New Product"
And I fill in "Title" with "Ruby On Rails"
And I fill in "Description" with "Model View Control Architecture"
And I fill in "Image Url" with "ror.jpg"
And I fill in "Price" with "22"
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Product was successfully created."
And I should see "Ruby On Rails"
And I should see "Model View Control Architecture"
And I should see "ror.jpg"
And I should see "22"
And I should have 1 product
In this scenario we used “I fill in “(field name)” with “(value)” ” lot of time. But we can give this in a simple way. Lets look at that scenario.
Scenario: Create Valid Product
Given I have no products
And I am on the list of Products
When I follow "New Product"
When I fill in the following:
| Title | C# |
| Description | ABC |
| Image Url | c.jpg |
| Price | 5 |
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Product was successfully created."
And I should see "C#"
And I should see "ABC"
And I should see "C#"
And I should see "5"
And I should have 1 product
When we write this what is happening. Go to your webrat_step.rb file and you can see the following step definition.
# Use this to fill in an entire form with data from a table. Example:
# When I fill in the following:
# | Account Number | 5002 |
# | Expiry date | 2009-11-01|
# | Note | Nice guy |
# | Wants Email? | |
# TODO: Add support for checkbox, select og option
# based on naming conventions.
When /^I fill in the following:$/ do |fields|
fields.rows_hash.each do |name, value|
When %{I fill in "#{name}" with "#{value}"}
There you can see the the cucumber give a easy way to do our job without typing same thing several times like in the 1st scenario.
What is happening from this step definition is it created a step for us by getting the values in table. How it does lets look at step by step.
When /^I fill in the following:$/ do |fields|
From this it takes the one field of the raw for a example | Title | C# |
fields.rows_hash.each do |name, value|
From this it takes the values of the field as name and value then
name= Title
When %{I fill in "#{name}" with "#{value}"}
From this step its create a step using that value then the step comes as
When I fill in Title with C#
and end like wise all the fields are translated by the cucumber.
Then what happen. Now it check this new step with the webrat file or with our step definition file and go through it.
The correct step definition is
When /^I fill in "([^\"]*)" with "([^\"]*)"$/ do |field, value|
fill_in(field, :with => value)
When we run this scenario using cucumber features/create_product.feature we got as follows.
it says all the steps are pass. that means code is OK. see how the cucumber is easy to work. according to that you can type these steps as table in that scenario
Then I should see "Product was successfully created."
And I should see "C#"
And I should see "ABC"
And I should see "C#"
And I should see "5"
try it your self.
Best Regards,
Scenario: Create Valid Product
Given I have no products
And I am on the list of Products
When I follow "New Product"
And I fill in "Title" with "Ruby On Rails"
And I fill in "Description" with "Model View Control Architecture"
And I fill in "Image Url" with "ror.jpg"
And I fill in "Price" with "22"
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Product was successfully created."
And I should see "Ruby On Rails"
And I should see "Model View Control Architecture"
And I should see "ror.jpg"
And I should see "22"
And I should have 1 product
In this scenario we used “I fill in “(field name)” with “(value)” ” lot of time. But we can give this in a simple way. Lets look at that scenario.
Scenario: Create Valid Product
Given I have no products
And I am on the list of Products
When I follow "New Product"
When I fill in the following:
| Title | C# |
| Description | ABC |
| Image Url | c.jpg |
| Price | 5 |
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Product was successfully created."
And I should see "C#"
And I should see "ABC"
And I should see "C#"
And I should see "5"
And I should have 1 product
When we write this what is happening. Go to your webrat_step.rb file and you can see the following step definition.
# Use this to fill in an entire form with data from a table. Example:
# When I fill in the following:
# | Account Number | 5002 |
# | Expiry date | 2009-11-01|
# | Note | Nice guy |
# | Wants Email? | |
# TODO: Add support for checkbox, select og option
# based on naming conventions.
When /^I fill in the following:$/ do |fields|
fields.rows_hash.each do |name, value|
When %{I fill in "#{name}" with "#{value}"}
There you can see the the cucumber give a easy way to do our job without typing same thing several times like in the 1st scenario.
What is happening from this step definition is it created a step for us by getting the values in table. How it does lets look at step by step.
When /^I fill in the following:$/ do |fields|
From this it takes the one field of the raw for a example | Title | C# |
fields.rows_hash.each do |name, value|
From this it takes the values of the field as name and value then
name= Title
When %{I fill in "#{name}" with "#{value}"}
From this step its create a step using that value then the step comes as
When I fill in Title with C#
and end like wise all the fields are translated by the cucumber.
Then what happen. Now it check this new step with the webrat file or with our step definition file and go through it.
The correct step definition is
When /^I fill in "([^\"]*)" with "([^\"]*)"$/ do |field, value|
fill_in(field, :with => value)
When we run this scenario using cucumber features/create_product.feature we got as follows.
it says all the steps are pass. that means code is OK. see how the cucumber is easy to work. according to that you can type these steps as table in that scenario
Then I should see "Product was successfully created."
And I should see "C#"
And I should see "ABC"
And I should see "C#"
And I should see "5"
try it your self.
Best Regards,
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Cucumber and Ruby on Rails (Part 4) My learning materials
I think you get a good knowledge from my past posts. OK now lets see to test adding new products. Before that lets see what is happening when new product is adding.
1)He should be in the List of Product page as follows.
2)Now what he do . He clicks the New Products Link. Now he can see the following page.
3)Now he fill the fields as
Title = Ruby On Rails
Description = Model View Control Architecture
Image url= ror.jpg
4)Now he clicks Create button and he can see following page.
5)He can see “Product was successfully created” and he can see “Ruby On Rails”, “Model View Control Architecture”, “ror.jpg” and “22”.
6)Now lets see how we can test it using Cucumber Testing.
7)Create a new file called “create_product.feature” in product/features folder and paste this scenario.
Scenario: Create Valid Product
Given I have no products
And I am on the list of Products
When I follow "New Product"
And I fill in "Title" with "Ruby On Rails"
And I fill in "Description" with "Model View Control Architecture"
And I fill in "Image Url" with "ror.jpg"
And I fill in "Price" with "22"
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Product was successfully created."
And I should see "Ruby On Rails"
And I should see "Model View Control Architecture"
And I should see "ror.jpg"
And I should see "22"
And I should have 1 product
8)This scenario check all the steps which I shown above. Check them your self. Now go to the "Product_steps.rb"page in features/step_definition folder and paste following codes.
Given /^I have no products$/ do
Then /^I should have ([0-9]+) product$/ do |count|
Product.count.should == count.to_i
9)Now we have 2 feature files as list_of_product.feature and create_product.feature
10)when we run cucumber features all the features files are run. If we want to run only one file we can run cucumber features/(file name)
eg:- cucumber features/ create_product.feature
11)Run the cucumber features/ create_product.feature and you can see following.
12)It says all the steps are passed. Now you can test to verify actually this scenario works with the code for that we can change some codes in scenario and check running cucumber features.
13)I give it to you as a home work. Check what happening when the scenario change and run cucumber features.
14)Lets see in the next post how this scenario can be written in simple way.
1)He should be in the List of Product page as follows.
2)Now what he do . He clicks the New Products Link. Now he can see the following page.
3)Now he fill the fields as
Title = Ruby On Rails
Description = Model View Control Architecture
Image url= ror.jpg
4)Now he clicks Create button and he can see following page.
5)He can see “Product was successfully created” and he can see “Ruby On Rails”, “Model View Control Architecture”, “ror.jpg” and “22”.
6)Now lets see how we can test it using Cucumber Testing.
7)Create a new file called “create_product.feature” in product/features folder and paste this scenario.
Scenario: Create Valid Product
Given I have no products
And I am on the list of Products
When I follow "New Product"
And I fill in "Title" with "Ruby On Rails"
And I fill in "Description" with "Model View Control Architecture"
And I fill in "Image Url" with "ror.jpg"
And I fill in "Price" with "22"
And I press "Create"
Then I should see "Product was successfully created."
And I should see "Ruby On Rails"
And I should see "Model View Control Architecture"
And I should see "ror.jpg"
And I should see "22"
And I should have 1 product
8)This scenario check all the steps which I shown above. Check them your self. Now go to the "Product_steps.rb"page in features/step_definition folder and paste following codes.
Given /^I have no products$/ do
Then /^I should have ([0-9]+) product$/ do |count|
Product.count.should == count.to_i
9)Now we have 2 feature files as list_of_product.feature and create_product.feature
10)when we run cucumber features all the features files are run. If we want to run only one file we can run cucumber features/(file name)
eg:- cucumber features/ create_product.feature
11)Run the cucumber features/ create_product.feature and you can see following.
12)It says all the steps are passed. Now you can test to verify actually this scenario works with the code for that we can change some codes in scenario and check running cucumber features.
13)I give it to you as a home work. Check what happening when the scenario change and run cucumber features.
14)Lets see in the next post how this scenario can be written in simple way.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Cucumber and Ruby on Rails (Part 3) My learning materials
Now lets start to create scenarios and do testing using cucumber
1)Lets create our first scenario as follows and save it in the product/features folder as named
Scenario: Products List
Given I have products titled Java, description Platform Independent, Image url java.jpg, Price 20
When I go to the list of Products
Then I should see "Java"
And I should see "Platform Independent"
And I should see "java.jpg"
And I should see "20"
2)Now run the cucumber features and see the out put as
3)You get 1 scenario (1 undefined)
6 steps (5 skipped, 1 undefined)
that means your 1st step is not defined. That means the cucumber do not know how to deal with the step
GivenI have products titled Java, description Platform Independent, Image url java.jpg, Price 20
To deal with this that should be in the webrat_step.rb file in the features/step_definitions folder. If not we have to create them for the use of cucumber and you can see the cucumber suggest you some definitions as
Given /^I have products titled Java, description Platform Independent, Image url java\.jpg, Price 20$/ do
4)Now lets create the definition file. Create a file named product_step.rb file in the features/step_definitions folder and paste the following code there and save it.
Given /^I have products titled (.+), description (.+), Image url (.+), Price (.+)$/ do |title,description,image_url,price|
Product.create!(:title => title, :description => description, :image_url => image_url, :price => price)
In this step it says to store the data in the table called Product.
5)Now lets run again cucumber features and see the result. You can see following error.
This says there is no such a constant like Product. This means still we do not create our Product Table lets create our product table. Type on the terminal as follows.
ruby script/generate scaffold product title:string description:text image_url:string price:decimal
rake db:migrate
6)Now lets run again cucumber features
That says that product_test.products table. That because these scenarios working with the tables in the test database. So lets fix it. Run following code.
rake db:test:clone
Now lets run again cucumber features.
7)Its hows the following error and add it to the file path.rb in features/support
this should come after case statement
when /the list of Products/
the reason for this is (
We have our first passing step! The second step is now failing, though. This is because Cucumber doesn’t know how to translate “the list of articles” into a path in our application.
One of the files installed by Cucumber is called paths.rb, which lives in the /features/support directory. In this file we can define custom paths that map the English definitions in Cucumber files to paths in our Rails application. To add a mapping we just add a new when condition to the case statement in the path_to method. (There’s a comment in the file to show us where to add it.)
8)Now run again cucumber features
9)You get all the scenarios are passed.
10)Now our first scenario is passed lets try another scenario in the next post. Try this scenario and check you can understand it. Copy and paste to the same feature file
Scenario: Products List
Given I have products titled Java, description Platform Independent, Image url java.jpg, Price 20
And I have products titled Ruby on Rails, description Rich internet Application, Image url ror.gif, Price 25
When I go to the list of Products
Then I should see "Java"
And I should see "Platform Independent"
And I should see "java.jpg"
And I should see "20"
Then I should see "Ruby on Rails"
And I should see "Rich internet Application"
And I should see "ror.gif"
And I should see "25"
1)Lets create our first scenario as follows and save it in the product/features folder as named
Scenario: Products List
Given I have products titled Java, description Platform Independent, Image url java.jpg, Price 20
When I go to the list of Products
Then I should see "Java"
And I should see "Platform Independent"
And I should see "java.jpg"
And I should see "20"
2)Now run the cucumber features and see the out put as
3)You get 1 scenario (1 undefined)
6 steps (5 skipped, 1 undefined)
that means your 1st step is not defined. That means the cucumber do not know how to deal with the step
GivenI have products titled Java, description Platform Independent, Image url java.jpg, Price 20
To deal with this that should be in the webrat_step.rb file in the features/step_definitions folder. If not we have to create them for the use of cucumber and you can see the cucumber suggest you some definitions as
Given /^I have products titled Java, description Platform Independent, Image url java\.jpg, Price 20$/ do
4)Now lets create the definition file. Create a file named product_step.rb file in the features/step_definitions folder and paste the following code there and save it.
Given /^I have products titled (.+), description (.+), Image url (.+), Price (.+)$/ do |title,description,image_url,price|
Product.create!(:title => title, :description => description, :image_url => image_url, :price => price)
In this step it says to store the data in the table called Product.
5)Now lets run again cucumber features and see the result. You can see following error.
This says there is no such a constant like Product. This means still we do not create our Product Table lets create our product table. Type on the terminal as follows.
ruby script/generate scaffold product title:string description:text image_url:string price:decimal
rake db:migrate
6)Now lets run again cucumber features
That says that product_test.products table. That because these scenarios working with the tables in the test database. So lets fix it. Run following code.
rake db:test:clone
Now lets run again cucumber features.
7)Its hows the following error and add it to the file path.rb in features/support
this should come after case statement
when /the list of Products/
the reason for this is (
We have our first passing step! The second step is now failing, though. This is because Cucumber doesn’t know how to translate “the list of articles” into a path in our application.
One of the files installed by Cucumber is called paths.rb, which lives in the /features/support directory. In this file we can define custom paths that map the English definitions in Cucumber files to paths in our Rails application. To add a mapping we just add a new when condition to the case statement in the path_to method. (There’s a comment in the file to show us where to add it.)
8)Now run again cucumber features
9)You get all the scenarios are passed.
10)Now our first scenario is passed lets try another scenario in the next post. Try this scenario and check you can understand it. Copy and paste to the same feature file
Scenario: Products List
Given I have products titled Java, description Platform Independent, Image url java.jpg, Price 20
And I have products titled Ruby on Rails, description Rich internet Application, Image url ror.gif, Price 25
When I go to the list of Products
Then I should see "Java"
And I should see "Platform Independent"
And I should see "java.jpg"
And I should see "20"
Then I should see "Ruby on Rails"
And I should see "Rich internet Application"
And I should see "ror.gif"
And I should see "25"
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